Title: The Lost Hero
Author: Rick Riordan
Dear Mrs.A,
This is a summary of my book. Jason Grace and his friends Piper McClean and Leo Valdez are climbing up a mountain to get Piper's dad back from the evil giant names Encholaudas. When they get up there they defeated Encholaudas and escaped with Piper's dad. When they got back down they put Piper's dad in a plane and flew him back to his house and Piper, Jason, and Leo went to the Wolf House to save the godess Hera. Poryphorphion the leader of the giants rose and fought Jaon.Then Hera broke out with a little help from Leo and Piper and used her power and the king of gians fled. they went back to camp and found out that Percy Jackson was at the Roman camp and they are going to build a warship to save him.
from Brenden
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